Business Manager’s Message

Valentino B. Ceria

UA General President Mark McManus joins the “Class of 2019” Business Managers at the UA Seminar in Maryland. Business Manager Val Ceria with the shaka.

Aloha Members!

We welcome aboard KT Construction LLC. The company is now recognized as a Local 675 signatory contractor.

Just a brief update on our new Union Building in Aiea. So far, we have received the design and development prints and will have future meetings to prepare for the permitting process.

A reminder, if you become unemployed as an active member, you will need to sign in on the Out-Of- Work List and turn in your approved unemployment determination letter information to the Trust Fund Administrative Office. This benefit was created so you can qualify for 35 hours credit to maintain your medical coverage. No other union has this unique benefit for its members.

On Sunday, September 1st, we had our annual Hawaii Building & Construction Trades Labor Unity Picnic at the Waikiki Shell. It was a huge success, and we had a lot of members and their families in attendance enjoying this free event. Mahalo to Brother Sam Barrett, Jr. who spearheaded Local 675’s participation with assistance from our Union staff, Training staff, Brother Jonathan Lee, and the Retiree Club.

Politically, we’re gearing up for the General Election on November 5th. I am working closely with our Government Relations and Legislative Liaison, Emmanuel Zibakalam, and have the Union’s endorsements listed in this newsletter. Please vote and have your voices heard. It’s so important for the industry and for our future.

Locally, for the Union’s upcoming election, we were approved for mail-in ballots for our local union by UA President Mark McManus. All positions are up for election this year, for three-year terms.

I recently attended a UA Local 811 Open House Union Meeting with Business Agents, Matt Brady, Ben Panis, Sam Barrett, Jr. and Sheung Man Wong. We met with the UA’s General Secretary-Treasurer Derrick Kualapai, California & Hawaii International Representative Aaron Stockwell, and UA Metal Trades Director Patrick Dolan. The emphasis was on the benefits of joining Local Union 811 and what the United Association offers its members. There will be future meetings scheduled down the road.

This month, I also attended the UA Business Manager Seminar in Maryland. This is an annual meeting where all the Business Managers from each local union meet with the General President, officers, and staff to be informed of our direction and our united efforts to carry forth the objectives of the United Association.

Invitations have been mailed to all members for the Membership Benefits Conference on Oahu this year, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on Saturday, October 19th. This is a free event for you and your family to learn about your Union benefits, ask specific questions one-on-one with a provider, and enjoy free lunch, entertainment, gifts, and fun games for the kids. We hope to see you all there!

The Oahu General Membership Meeting and Holiday Dinner is set for Saturday, December 14th. The Holiday Dinner celebrations for our Neighbor Island membership are scheduled for Kauai on December 3rd, Maui on December 4th, Kona on December 10th and Hilo on December 11th. Looking forward to meeting with you and wishing you all good wishes for the new year!

As always, stay informed, stay healthy, and be safe!

UA Local 811 Open House (l-r) Sheung Man Wong, Ben Panis, Matt Brady, Val Ceria, Patrick Dolan, Derrick Kualapai, Aaron Stockwell, Sean Keoni Ellis, Sam Barrett Jr, Dale Troll.
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