Business Manager’s Message
Valentino B. Ceria
First of all, a welldeserved congratulations to our upcoming new journeymen who celebrated their accomplishment at the Apprenticeship Graduation ceremony on June 17th at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Thanks go out to Head Training Coordinator Dean Kobashigawa and his staff for their dedicated hard work.
I want to share some good news I received recently. I got a call from Hawaiian Dredging stating that they were awarded the Dry Dock 3 Replacement at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. This is part of the 816 billion dollars that President Biden promised for the industrial sector, as part of the Infrastructure Bill, and with a Project Labor Agreement in place. This project involves constructing a new graving Dry Dock #5, replacing Dry Dock #3, including supporting facilities – pump stations, water treatment system, crane maintenance area, power, and utilities. The Department of the Navy is looking at an appropriate dry dock capability date no later than January 2028. On the Union’s part, we need to prepare and make sure we can provide the necessary manpower for the upcoming work. In April, we attended Hawaiian Dredging’s Career Fair as they prepare for personnel and manpower for the upcoming work. I got to meet with Gerry Majkut, President of Hawaiian Dredging. He said that this project at Pearl Harbor will be about $2.8 billion dollars. I also talked with Tom Valentine, the Division Manager for the Power and Industrial Division. Tom mentioned they will be looking for pipefitters, and welders specializing in stainless steel. As you can see, we have to start preparing for their manpower needs.
Also in April, we signed a Project Agreement with Best Plumbing and Electric LLC. The projects include the Child Development Center in Schofield Barracks, Mokapu Elementary School Campus Improvements in Kailua, and the Blaisdell Center Redevelopment project on Ward Avenue. Those projects should keep us busy for a while. We also signed Plumbing & Solar Systems of Maui as a new contractor.
As you know, Brother Matt Brady has been working diligently with the committee, spearheading the revision of the local By-Laws, for the last five months. The United Association reviewed our local By-Laws and submitted its revision requirements established by the UA Constitution. The last time our By-Laws was revised was back in 1980, so it is long overdue and necessary. There were three (3) readings of the Proposal for New By-Laws or Amendments to the Existing By-Laws as directed by the United Association. The third reading was unanimously passed by the General Membership on June 5, 2023.
On another note, I would like to mention that UA General President Mark McManus has approved the mailin ballot for the various Board positions expiring at the end of this year.
As always, stay informed, stay healthy and be safe!