Protecting Worker Health Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

United Association (UA) and CDC Recommendations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that workers perform the following preventive/protective actions, generally and while at work:

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds immediately after working on a sanitary waste and vent system.
  • Avoid touching face, mouth, eyes, nose, or open sores and cuts while working on a sanitary waste and vent system.
  • After working on a sanitary waste and vent system, wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before eating or drinking.
  • After working on a sanitary waste and vent system, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after using the toilet.
  • Before eating, remove soiled work clothes and eat in designated areas away from human waste and sewage-handling activities.
  • Do NOT smoke or chew tobacco or gum while working on a sanitary waste and vent system.
  • Keep open sores, cuts, and wounds covered with clean, dry bandages.
  • Gently flush eyes with safe water if human waste or sewage contacts eyes.
  • Use waterproof gloves to prevent cuts and contact with human waste or sewage.
  • Wear rubber boots.
  • Remove rubber boots and work clothes before leaving worksite.
  • Clean contaminated work clothing daily with 0.05% chlorine solution (1-part household bleach to 100 parts water).
  • Clean and disinfect tools and equipment used.
  • Clean and disinfect the work area frequently.
  • Cover your cough and/or sneeze with your bent elbow.
  • Do not report to work when you feel ill.
  • Report and document all exposures.
  • If you start to feel ill, inform your supervisor immediately and document the incidence.
  • Currently there is not a vaccination for COVID-19 but it is recommended that all other vaccinations be current.

Practice Social Distancing
Finally, it is important to follow social distancing recommendations. Try to keep a minimum six-foot distance between others. Remember, it could take anywhere from 2 to 14 days for COVID-19 symptoms to appear, if they even appear at all. If you believe you have contracted the virus, stay home, contact your supervisor and seek assistance from your medical provider.